FREE Will Writing Service

We've partnered with Safewill to make it easy for you leave a gift in your Will. Safewill is Australia's leading Will writing platform. They make it simple for all Australians to write their own Will, with just a few clicks.

Get started today

For over 75 years we have supported people with disability, their families and communities. 

From diagnosis to school years, gaining employment, through to retirement and aged care, we’re here. We strive for a better tomorrow, an inclusive world where everyone can live a life of choice and passion. And we continue to do this, because of people like you – our Legacy partners.   

By leaving a gift in your Will to CPL, you’ll be leaving a powerful legacy for generations to come. It’s a powerful gift that lives on, a gift that reflects your commitment to your community, your core values and true selflessness. Your legacy gift will ensure we continue to strive for an inclusive society, supporting all people, especially those with disability.  We feel honoured to be able to deliver your legacy wishes and we simply can’t thank you enough for your generous consideration. 

Meet Nick

"I made a decision to leave a legacy gift in my Will to CPL because I believe in the importance of advocating for people with a disability to create a more inclusive community and hope CPL will continue in the work they do to fulfil this legacy long into the future."

Nick - Bequest / Legacy Giver

Deciding your gift in your Will

There are different ways you may wish to leave a gift to CPL. These include:

This is where the Willmaker desires to gift their entire estate as a legacy gift.

This is where the Willmaker desires to gift the remainder or a share of their estate. If choosing to gift the remainder of your estate, this will be calculated after all other bequests and expenses have been deducted.

This is where the Willmaker desires to give a legacy in the form of a monetary sum specified in your Will.

This is where the Willmaker desires to gift a legacy in the form of a named item (or items) specified in your Will, for example property, jewellery, a motor vehicle or other valuables such as stocks and shares.

FREE Will Writing Service

We've partnered with Safewill to make it easy for you leave a gift in your Will. If it’s been a while since you reviewed you Will, or you have yet created one, now is the perfect opportunity.

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There are so many ways you can get involved, give us a call or complete the form.

Call us 1800 275 753