At CPL, we have a strong respect and value for First Nations peoples and cultures in the communities we serve.
As part of our commitment to building meaningful relationships and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, CPL are holding our annual Indigenous Art Competition.
The competition is divided into two categories:
Up-and-Coming Artist: Intermediate level or above
Who can enter?
We are looking for artists across Australia of all ages and experience. You don’t have to be a CPL client to enter, but we’d love to see some of our clients’ artworks!
Artists must:
Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent
Identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Be an individual aged 10 years or older
Please note, to ensure fair judging, group entries are limited to two people.
How does it work?
You can read about the guidelines here, but the theme of the artwork needs to reflect the NAIDOC Week 2023, For Our Elders.
Artworks can be of painting, graphic design or drawing artistic mediums, submitted in one of the two categories: Creative Ability or Up-and-Coming Artist
Up-and-Coming Artist: Intermediate level or above
All entries will be judged by a panel comprising members of the CPL community and First Nations artists.
What do artists receive?
The winning artists will receive cash prizes and acknowledgement across CPL's social media platforms and website.
How do I enter?
Entires for this year's competition have now closed, but if you'd like more informationn about future competitions please email or call 1800 266 842.

Congratulations Sam Williams!
Congratulations to the winner of our 2023 NAIDOC Week Art Competition Sam Williams with this fantastic artwork.