Jamie Booth has been with CPL since she was three years old. Now, she is 17 and chasing her dreams to be a Paralympian.
Jamie’s journey began with a research study organised by University of Queensland (UQ), which requires people with cerebral palsy to participate in regular swimming sessions. The goal of the study is to prove that swimming helps the mental, physical and social health of people with cerebral palsy. Their swimming team is called PARA Start.
Jamie’s mum Michelle said, “Jamie started off swimming two times a week and worked her way to four times a week.”

“After some training, the coaches at UQ noticed her natural talent and she did a few competitions. In her third race ever she made it to the Queensland State Championships. She was 3 seconds off getting into the National Championships!”
“All of a sudden, we have a meeting next week to plan for the lead up to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games!
According to Jamie, this has been a dream of hers for a long time.
“I’m feeling excited and pumped - I’ve always wanted to compete in the Paralympics. I love the freedom of swimming. It helps me relax physically and mentally. When I’m in my wheelchair all day my muscles get stiff and I have spasms, but when I’m swimming I don’t have them as much.”
Michelle said Jamie has loved swimming since she was a baby.

“She loves it; she was born to do it. She was born 14 weeks early and spent lots of time in ICU as a baby. But she just loved the bath, she would just float happily and feel at ease.”
“When she was young, there were teams she could go into but no one to coach her.
“As a parent, you wear so many hats. You’re the doctor, the chef, the taxi taking them to appointments, and then to be a swimming coach on top of that - where do you find the time? This is just a wonderful opportunity for her. ”
“Jamie is very determined and very humble. She’s not thinking that she’s doing anything special; this is just what she does.”
Jamie has some advice for people who are working hard towards their own goals:
“Never give up on your dreams, no matter what. That’s what I do; if something tries to stop me I punch through it.”
Whatever your goals for your child, we’re determined to help you get there. We provide a range of integrated therapies including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and social work.
Simply free call us today on 1800 275 753 or fill in the form to find out more!