Looking for a job?

At Mylestones Employment, we help find jobs for people with disabilities. We'll work with you to find long term open employment that matches your skills and career goals in an industry that you’re interested in. Our Job Development Officers will work with you to create a customised job plan which includes:

  • Tailored pre-employment training like writing a resume
  • Tips to improve your interview skills
  • Support to look for work and find the right job for you
  • Personalised on-the-job support when you need it

We also assist with transport training and help to access specialised equipment, tools and workplace modifications if you need them. 

Growing your career

We want you to feel prepared and ready to find and keep the job you want. By focusing on your goals and aspirations, we can work with you to create a career path that suits you and where you want to go.

  • We can help you access accredited training and education including nationally recognised qualifications.
  • We'll give you the support to secure an apprenticeship or traineeship.
  • We'll help you learn new skills for your workplace or industry.
  • We work closely with Queensland Health to deliver the Queensland Mental Health (QMH) Integrated Employment Initiative for people with mental health barriers. 

Meet Brianna


"Mylestones Employment set me up to get my Certificate III in Community Care. They also helped me get my blue card and first aid training. When I finished the course I knew I didn’t want to stay in the job I was in, I wanted to find somewhere to work where I could use my training."
- Brianna, Pink Ribbon Maids

For more information about open employment, disability employment and how we can support you, please call us on 1800 275 753 or send an online enquiry.