The story begins...
In 1948, a group of parents decided they wanted more for their children living with disability and so they founded the Queensland Spastic Children’s Welfare League, which then went on to be known as the Spastic Welfare League of Queensland. Those parents worked tirelessly to raise awareness and funds to help their own and other children to experience the best in life.
In 1997, the Spastic Welfare League became the Cerebral Palsy League. The change reflected changing sentiments in the community and a rapid shift in the way we view and support people living with disability.
And continues today
In 2018 the Cerebral Palsy League became CPL – Choice, Passion, Life. You’ve always known us as the Cerebral Palsy League, but thanks to your support we’re now able to do so much more. Our new name CPL – Choice, Passion, Life, was chosen because it’s what truly matters to us as an organisation. It's a name that reflects where we have come from, the way we work today and our aspirations for the future.
Our CEO Rhys Kennedy talks about our big name change in 2018 and wants to share an important message with you.
Our mission
Our mission is an inclusive society for all people. A world where people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else. A world where we are all equal. A world where labels don’t exist. A world where everyone believes in the power of each individual and their ability to change the world.