Not currently receiving funded disability supports?
If you're not currently receiving funded disability supports, you'll need to contact the NDIA to register for access to the Scheme. You can do this by phoning the NDIA on 1800 800 110, Monday to Friday 8am from 8pm. The NDIA will then explain the process to you and send you some additional forms to complete and return to them. The NDIA will ask you to provide written evidence of your disability in order to first determine if you are eligible to access the Scheme.
Preparing for your first NDIA meeting
Preparation for your NDIS plan meeting is key to getting a plan that meets your needs. It is important that you are able to speak confidently about all the current supports you receive and also identify additional supports that you need. This could also include things like community access, aids/equipment, communication devices, therapies, employment supports, equipment repairs/maintenance, building or vehicle modifications and much more. It’s a lot to think about.
On the day – your NDIA meeting
Your plan meeting with the NDIA is your opportunity to discuss the support you currently receive, request additional supports, and share your goals and aspirations. These meetings typically last one to two hours, during which the NDIS planner will ask specific questions and record your answers.
This is your chance to outline any unmet needs and explain why certain supports are necessary to achieve your goals. Remember, this meeting is about how you want to live your life and ensuring the planner fully understands your needs.
Our top tips:
1. If you don’t understand a question, ask the NDIS planner to repeat the question or ask it in it in a different way.
2. Take another person along with you to the meeting as a support person – they can help you to feel confident and also can help provide additional information if you forget something.
3. Understand that the NDIA will only fund things that they determine to be “reasonable and necessary”. It is very important that you take along evidence of specific things you need and are able to justify why it is required and what will be the benefit of it.
What to do next
After your meeting, your NDIS plan will typically take several weeks to be approved. Once finalised, the NDIA will notify you of the details, including the start date of your funding.
Remember: If you're currently a CPL client, we really appreciate it if you can let us know whenever you receive your NDIS plan. This is so that we can update your service agreement and provide you with a quote for services on your new plan.
Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can arrange a meeting with you to discuss your NDIS plan and confirm the supports you wish to continue receiving from us. Need some help or want to talk to someone about it? You can call us anytime on 1800 275 753.
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